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Friday, February 26, 2010

Vietnam Airlines to Vietnam Tuesday, 19 January 2010 15:57 |

Why you should use Vietnam Airlines for flights to Vietnam… You’re going to book a flight to Vietnam for your vacation; to visit friends and relatives or for an interesting business trip, which airline do you choose ?

The cheapest?

The one with the shortest journey time?

The one you always fly with, because whilst they aren’t special but they’ve never let you down ?
“There is always a first time …”

Flights to Vietnam

As the range of international airlines with flights to Vietnam increases, so do the number of factors which need to be considered before finally booking your flights to Vietnam.

At the outset let me make it clear that we are biased, we love flying and we love trying alternative airlines. In particular we love flying with the airline which best represents the country we are visiting.

So it’s a natural choice that we would choose Vietnam Airlines for our flights to Vietnam, but why should you?

Here’s why ……

(1)You’re going to Vietnam, so start enjoying the unique culture of this charming country at the very start of your journey. It’s a cliché but much of the charm of Vietnam lies in the gentleness of the Vietnamese people and somehow western cabin crew just don’t have the calm, relaxing effect of a Vietnamese smiling face accompanied by elegant hand gestures and perfect, but lilting English.

(2) Vietnam Airlines dominate the cities and airports you are likely to be visiting. Your arrival in the country is likely to be through the international airports at Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh where Vietnam Airlines have their main bases but if you need to travel on to one of the 17 other seventeen domestic airports in Vietnam*, all served by Vietnam Airlines, then it makes sense to buy all you air travel on the same airline.

(3) We all love flying on new aircraft, no-one likes to fly on something manufactured decades ago. We recommend that you check out the average age of the aircraft of any airline with which you are considering booking your flights. Any airline with a fleet age less than British Airways, which we use as our benchmark, passes this test. In this case BA have an average fleet age of 11.4 years which is 3.5 years older than the fleet of Vietnam Airlines.

(4) It’s great to start your journey from your friendly local airport and a first shop hop to join an aircraft originating elsewhere in Europe for the longer leg is better (in our opinion) than a slog to Heathrow and a change of aircraft somewhere in the Far East for a final, luggage losing, short last sector. Vietnam Airlines currently have flights to Vietnam from Paris and Frankfurt with London coming soon.

(5) Finally, you can sit back and relax in the sound knowledge that you are not just following the unfortunate many who choose their airline based purely on the cheapest available air fare and then spend an interminable journey regretting their choice.

Remember “It’s the journey that’s important, not just the getting there.” Make your flight part of the experience, not just a boring bookend at the start and finish of your trip. We’ve used the modern, passenger friendly example of Vietnam Airlines for Flights to Vietnam, to illustrate the point, but there is always a choice of alternative airlines to make any flight, anywhere into a memorable experience

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